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Chiropractic adjustment

The various techniques used will be tailored to the patient’s needs.  These are the predominant ones:

  • Diversified

  • Thompson Drop

  • Sacro Occipital blocking

  • Gonstead

  • Activator

  • Most patients take the manual adjustments, which are a quick forceful thrust to move the joint and often an audible ‘pop’ is heard.  The patients who like a gentler style may prefer an activator adjustment, and/or SOT blocks.


Full acupuncture treatment with needles consists of patient history, then placement of approximately 20 acupuncture needles.  These needles are specifically sized to be pain free.  The needles are stimulated 15 minutes in, and removed when they’ve been in 30 minutes.  All conditions can be treated simultaneously.

Spinalator or Intersegmental traction table

Also known as the roller table, the spinalator is a table the patient lies on and the rollers roll up and down the patient’s back.  The rolling action opens up the disc and joint space, allowing blood and lymph to be pumped into the areas and fatten up the disc.  This also distracts the joint.


Five things intersegmental traction does:

  1. Aids in straightening the spine.

  2. Aids in reducing arthritis and calcium deposits along the spine by exercising each joint.

  3. Aids in tightening and strengthening the ligaments and muscles that attach to the spine to hold it in place.

  4. Increases the blood supply to the spine to speed the healing of the nerves, muscles and discs.

  5. It feels good!

Interferential muscle stimulation unit

‘Muscle stim’ consists of placement of electrodes on and around the painful area and a current will run through the muscles, effectively fatiguing the muscles and often helping with pain.

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